Throttle: Impulsive Exhibition

__ The throttle is your gas pedal, it controls the flow of fuel or power to the engine.

__ An Impulse is a sudden urge or desire to act, or a driving motivational force.

throttle install shot1.jpg

One late night working in the studio, I felt a powerful urge to hang an impromptu exhibition of my engine-related work, focusing on images of the throttle.

There was a temporarily empty studio, unoccupied because an exchange student left, and was yet to be assigned to someone new.

I embraced my unexpected impulse, selecting a collection drawings and paintings for the small makeshift gallery space.

Under the hoodcharcoal on paper30 x 22.5"2015

Under the hood

charcoal on paper

30 x 22.5"


Throttle - individual layers for GIFoil, graphite, and ink on paper4.5 x 8" each sheet2015click here to see the gifs

Throttle - individual layers for GIF

oil, graphite, and ink on paper

4.5 x 8" each sheet


click here to see the gifs

Owner's Manual (Rabbit Diesel 1981)24 x 30"oil on warped found canvas2015

Owner's Manual (Rabbit Diesel 1981)

24 x 30"

oil on warped found canvas


Engine Studycharcoal on paper16 x 24”2015

Engine Study

charcoal on paper

16 x 24”


I talked to security about how long I could get away with this claimed space, and they told me I ought to take it down the next day.

Exhibition announcements were quickly generated using xerox machine, hacked and paid for using a passed-on institutional copy code.

throttle poster.jpg

I distributed the exhibition invitations to Billy, Jacob, and Cara, who were also up late working in their studios that night.

I urged them to visit the show, which would be ready in just 10 minutes.

Running hurriedly to and from my studio to my claimed gallery space, I instinctively hung up paintings and drawings.

Air intake hose + throttleink and tempera on paper8 x 12"2015

Air intake hose + throttle

ink and tempera on paper

8 x 12"


Engine at Duskchalk pastel on paper18 x 24”2015

Engine at Dusk

chalk pastel on paper

18 x 24”


Engine Studywater soluble crayon on paper18 x 24”2015

Engine Study

water soluble crayon on paper

18 x 24”